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God Save My Marriage

Ministry to Marriages - Find YOUR Miracle!


  1. Ministry to couples who are working together to build an Outrageously Happy Marriage!

    Marriage Help from Joel and Kathy Davisson; along with others whom they have helped.

  2. Ministry to men who are working to win their wife's heart back.

    (Wife is gone, or she is angry and bitter, or she is in an affair etc.)

    Ministry from Joel and Kathy Davisson; along with others they have helped. What wife can resist a Christlike man? Marriage Help for the man who hopes to change enough to win his wife's heart back.

  3. Ministry to women whose husbands are working against the marriage.

    (He has left the family on his terms, he is in an affair, or he is abusive and not interested in learning.)

    Ministry from Joel and Kathy Davisson; along with others they have helped.

  4. Ministry to that wife whose husband is working to win her heart back

    Ministry from Joel and Kathy Davisson; along with others they have helped.

  5. The Other Side of the Fork in the Road

    It has been almost Ten years since first releasing "The Man of Her Dreams/The Woman of His!" We have been conducting Weekend Marriage Intensives for Seven Years. So many couples have received astounding miracles of restoration and love, going on to live an Outrageously Happy Marriage. Occasionally, there is a husband who simply decides that he is NOT going to live an outrageously happy marriage. His wife has given her "all" in doing what she can to encourage a restoration and an outrageously happy marriage. In the end though, her husband absolutely refuses to participate in that restoration. This forum is for women who are on the new "Fork in the Road!" We recommend that a wife stay private and seperate to the Lord for a period of two years after being physically seperated from her husband. She needs time to stabalize - and to get her feet solidly on the ground in her new life. For that wife who has spent herself in trying to have a restored marriage; God seems to go to GREAT LENGTHS to bring you to a place of peace, security and supply asap. We will love to walk with you in this season of your life!

  6. Favorite Posts by Various Authors, by Joel and Kathy Davisson and Favorite Posts on Certain Subjects

    If you see a post by someone that you feel is simply awesome, you can copy it and paste it into their "Favorite Posts By" section. There are also a few subject lines for special topics that you can copy and paste posts from other sections into.

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