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God Save My Marriage

Wretched Man

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    Christ, winning my wifes heart

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  1. I would like to reiterate that I realize that I am not healed yet. I know that I have issues and need to keep working on those issues. I have only said that I need a help-meet to help me overcome my issues and cannot find a better way to approach marriage recovery than what Joel and Kathy teach. Jackie is so amazing in so many ways. I am fully willing to be taught by Joel and Kathy how to be a great husband and only hope, Jackie, that you would be of the same mind. I apologize for the two recent posts that Joel and Kathy had to delete. I should not have written them. More importantly Jackie and I have spent some time together today and she has convinced me that she never got to vent properly but, did admit she quit trying due to my ADHD immature lack of ability to listen. We all know this is step 1 so I have presented to her my complete apologies and willingness to start again if she is willing. I love you Jackie. Please .We can make it.
  2. I would like to reiterate that I realize that I am not healed yet. I know that I have issues and need to keep working on those issues. I have only said that I need a help-meet to help me overcome my issues and cannot find a better way to approach marriage recovery than what Joel and Kathy teach. Jackie is so amazing in so many ways. I am fully willing to be taught by Joel and Kathy how to be a great husband and only hope, Jackie, that you would be of the same mind. I apologize for the two recent posts that Joel and Kathy had to delete. I should not have written them. More importantly Jackie and I have spent some time together today and she has convinced me that she never got to vent properly but, did admit she quit trying due to my ADHD immature lack of ability to listen. We all know this is step 1 so I have presented to her my complete apologies and willingness to start again if she is willing. I love you Jackie. Please .We can make it.
  3. I would like to reiterate that I realize that I am not healed yet. I know that I have issues and need to keep working on those issues. I have only said that I need a help-meet to help me overcome my issues and cannot find a better way to approach marriage recovery than what Joel and Kathy teach. Jackie is so amazing in so many ways. I am fully willing to be taught by Joel and Kathy how to be a great husband and only hope, Jackie, that you would be of the same mind. I apologize for the two recent posts that Joel and Kathy had to delete. I should not have written them. More importantly Jackie and I have spent some time together today and she has convinced me that she never got to vent properly but, did admit she quit trying due to my ADHD immature lack of ability to listen. We all know this is step 1 so I have presented to her my complete apologies and willingness to start again if she is willing. I love you Jackie. Please .We can make it.
  4. Thank you JJ and Purple, I will stay the course of all I have learned through this and other associated ministries, Until Joel and Kathy return though I think I should chill on the postings, hate to be hindering an approach they might be planning and rather error on the side of safety.I am well aware that my immature outburst can and will and DO make things worse. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH Love in Christ WM
  5. Thank you pure in heart also, sorry if it look like I was fishing for self pity. As you can see I have not posted much due to some of the sensitive nature of our situation and some of her issues and was trying not to harm my wives heart. edit
  6. Thank you purple, I really was just joking I know most women on these forums have suffered tremendously at the hands of selfish childish men for decades. Its kind of a personality trait of mine to throw humor in to soften the pain. We have only been married since Jan 07 and began this program Apr 07. I am sorry for your pain and truly appreciate your prayers. I too will pray for yours and your husbands situation. Again I'm sorry that my sarcasm hurt you due to your pain. wm
  7. Sorry I did not mean to offend you or any readers. or misuse the forum. I hope and pray you call Joel and Kathy for that talk, I Love You!
  8. Thanks for the advise I have apologized and am strickly watching the guidelines . is this Hard yes! impossible NO! Will I give up NEVER! wm
  9. Thanks Nemo I will keep in mind that my wife is the only gauge of my true progress.I have seen the amazing results of LISTENING TO and allowing my wife to vent without responding and owning up to and being accountable for ALL the pain I have caused her. On a JOYFUL note my precious wife has ageed to attend the Feb 5th intensive! Praise the Lord, we booked our flights together last night! see you ,well hear you on the calls. Thank you for all your Godly advise guys! WM
  10. Wow You guys (thats ya'll) to you rebels, have not only encouraged me but have made me feel true Christian love! Your willing to invest your time and prayers into our marriage!Thank you so much. John I would definatly benefit from futher discussions with you, I'll pm you. I will be appling these principles daily. I have an advantage now seeing that IT TRUELY IS COMING FROM MY HEART not my head.And am encourage you would say that cause it tells me you must recall when you realized it was truely coming from your heart and your a sucess strory! Thank so Much WM
  11. GMS-Thank You for your encouragement. I do believe and look forward to the day when she says we have an OHM. I wish I would have plugged in to the forums and calls sooner. Please pray that I will continue to consistantly show my wife through my ACTIONS and appropriate responses that her hearts healing is my only mission. Thanks again WM
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