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God Save My Marriage

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Often as we are learning to be Christlike, we are walking a road of uncharted territories. Through God's Grace, we have the support of Joel and Kathy, the moderators on the calls, and the helpers and moderators of this forum to keep us in line. But what about those moments where we need to be introspective? I hear and read of a lot of men that can "say" the right things in certain circumstances, but then when there wives get on the phone or make a post, the men are missing something.


I was thinking last night of the football team that gets down to the 20 yard line, yet when they get to the "redzone" they fail to reach the end zone. How many of us, when the rubber meets the road, find it too hard and bail out?


I put together a little chart. Its a chart where you can analyze yourself and see how you rate when you are in the red zone. It has references to some scriptures for review and support.


Enjoy it, it is not meant as anything more then a little help for self analysis and perhaps reminding us how His Word should be directing us.


Love..... TimothyPaul


The RedZone

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Timothy Paul Posted Today, 02:59 AM

Ok Scooter - I am going to share an experience I don't share very often, but this is the truth of something that happened to me personally in March 2010.


I was trying so hard to desperately do everything I thought would win B's heart back. Cleaning the garage, (its horrible), fixing up the house, working to salvage my business, and the list went on and on. Well one weekend in March I was trying to do everything and no matter what I did, it just went wrong. I kept at it determined to overcome, but no matter what I did something would go wrong. Friday was a disaster, Saturday was a disaster, Sunday everything just started to fall apart. Little by little everything starting crumbling down around me.


I started to break, I could not cope with the frustration, the disappointment. First the tears started, then the shakes, then my muscles started tightening and before I knew it I was on the ground, curled in a ball. I starting screaming at the top of my lungs..."God, I can't do this. I just can't freaking do this anymore. I quit! I just quit! I'm done." Not a pretty site.


And while I was there on the ground writhing in my self pity. I heard a voice. It was not a loud voice, it was a whisper. But it was a voice. It wasn't in my head. It was a voice spoken with a gentleness that I can not explain. There was such Love and at the same time such strength. "I know you can't do this Tim, but I can."


There I was. Totally devastated, in complete agony. And God loved me so much, He came and spoke to me. I know many would say because of my state I was experiencing a psychotic breakdown. But Scooter, I knew better. It was real.


It was at that moment, I surrendered myself to God. Even though I had already been saved, my "maleness" kept me from surrending my life to God. But He knew that to totally get this it required complete surrender. And that was something I just kept resisting. Because I thought I could do this out of my own strength. I was so very wrong.


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Phillipians 4:13)


Scooter - this passage has brought me to new levels which I could have never imagined before. Please don't try to do this out of your own strength. You will fail. God does not want you to go this alone. Simply put, God is God. Through His strength so are so much more powerful then you can ever imagine. As He knows every hair on your head, He knows how to help you and where you need help. Let Him do it with you. He knows your weaknesses as well as your strength. He has prepared you for this battle. This is a battle for your soul against Satan. You are to Glorify Him and protect His church. HIs church starts in your home. His church starts with DR.


I don't want to see you have to go through what I did. If anybody had witnessed my experience I would be typing this from a very pretty padded room. Through His blessings, it was just me, Satan and Him. And He won. He will help you win to.


Just let Him...



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thanks tim for sending me to this area for men. spent the time reading good things to help me. julie and i are doing well, we bottomed out {or atleast i did} last week. but God blessed her mothers day weekend and we had a great time. I listened and payed a ton or attention to her. I think i'm starting to get the meaning of true love. Thanks again for your prayers and time spent with us. I know there is a lot of work to go and the road is smooth just yet, but with Gods grace and mercy and the ministries help i am confident that we will make it. YES!!!!

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"I know you can't do this Tim , Seekrman but I can."


God speaking to me this moment! Thanks. I have been doing my own raging today, not knowing what is up or down. Struggling to know what to do, how to act or react. I have trusted God for so many other things. Why can't I use those same lessons with my wife. But I want to do my best, and I don't know what that should be.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.


So easy to follow for things I am used to trusting him for. So hard with matters of the heart. It is a process, and it is happening. The time it takes for me also to heal and grow.


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Phillipians 4:13)


I am a MAN and proud of it. The "all things" includes growing, paradigm shifting away from "control", holding it together, ... God can help me through this. Just got to let grief regarding my changing and grief of loss run its course so I can get over myself.

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Thank you for that post. I am a man who thought that he was giving it all to God, but kept getting in the way when things were not working towards what I desired. Reading all these posts, really is helping me die to self and let God work this out. My wife started an affair back in September, and I had that garage moment. I still slip up at times but I am determined to press on closer to Christ. Just wanted to say hi and thank you for inviting me to post on here. My eyes have been opened and already I feel the old me slipping away. I took ownership of my wifes affair, to bad I didnt know then what I am learning now. :)

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Great post! William R I hear what you are saying.  I am still dealing with my wife's second affair.  For the first couple of months finding about the second one I was stuck in my own hurt.  Finally after 2 months I picked-up Ken Nair's book and then Joel and Kathy's.  About a month ago my wife asked for a divorce.  I have been working to become Christlike and win her heart back with the new knowledge I have gain and no longer focusing on the affair itself, but rather how I can love my wife as Christ loved the church. This is surely a marathon and not a sprint.  I can't expect any changes from her - I need to grow-up and never stop pursuing Christ - His strength is sufficient for me.  God bless you guys! 

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That is what they say about medical school, it is a marathon and not a sprint. And speaking of dying to self, I have been clinging to Romans 12:1 lately that encourages us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Whenever something difficult happens or I am awash with overwhelming emotion, I just close my eyes for a moment and imagine myself as a living sacrifice like Christ. It is then I realize Hebrews 12 and understand I am a son of God.

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That is what they say about medical school, it is a marathon and not a sprint. And speaking of dying to self, I have been clinging to Romans 12:1 lately that encourages us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Whenever something difficult happens or I am awash with overwhelming emotion, I just close my eyes for a moment and imagine myself as a living sacrifice like Christ. It is then I realize Hebrews 12 and understand I am a son of God.

Sadjay I am glad to hear you are staying in the Word.  Praying for you now.  

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