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God Save My Marriage

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SeekingTruth said I should post here.


I am Emory...I hear and obey. I have been assimilated. Big grins to my precious SeekingTruth... ::clap


20 Kisses / 20 Hugs / 20 Smiles / 50 validations / 100 touches / 3 Metric Tons of Apologies (still not enough)

(and yes SeekingTruth is laughing over my shoulder). :rotfl:


SeekingTruth, truly I have sought the world for beauty, and have found it next to my own heart in you... :lol:


NOTE...to any fellas still fighting on this board. Just let go, jump in and let the water of the

washing of the Word take you. Just die. Stop justifying, stop fighting, stop whining like I did, stop screaming,

yelling and making your bride wish she she were anywhere else but near you like I did. It is worth every single

minute of it. Let your wife unburden herself to you; trust me your testosterone levels WILL increase.


Validate the gorgeous woman you destroyed. Kiss her often and mean it.


My story: I called my beauty from work who asked me so nicely "Please scrub the toilet in

the front bathroom when you get home." Finally, I am the "Oxytocin Booster Man!" I rushed past my bride when

I got home from work and immediately scrubbed the toilet with bleach she lovingly provided. She chided me playfully

for not stopping to kiss her but going immediately from front door to front bathroom. I smiled and claimed "I am

just doing what I am told." And she was giggling, and I was giggling.


Fellas if the Lord can use scrubbing the facility as a fun laughing happy moment I suggest you become a servant

and learn how to make YOUR wives laugh. I took out the trash when she asked. So simple, so easy, so effortless

and a month ago I would have SCREAMED like a freaked out TODDLER at her for asking me this. Now, I do it with

pleasure knowing it not only get me POINTS but it is "loving my wife like Christ loved the Church."


I hear on the calls guys claiming "Oh its too hard." That is a load. If my monster crazy moron freaked out toddler

self can do it you can too. Our Lord is NO respecter of persons. What He will do for one He will do for ALL.


So you say you can't do this without screwing it up? I say that is an excuse. Why? Go to an airfield sometime

and watch flight training for students in one of the Cessna 152s; pay particular attention to the landings. The landings have

to be right every time or both pilot and instructor are killed. You may land hard, you may land soft, you may even

blow a tire or crab sideways on final approach but you WILL land the aircraft, no question about it.


Trained pilots land every time safely. They make NO serious mistakes.


You have training, intensives, - study materials and the website.


You have Air Traffic Control, - the calls, the boards.


You have flight instructors, - Joel and Kathy etc.


You have the One who hung the moon and stars, and created the Firmament and physics for YOU to enjoy flying with HER.


Stop whining about the height, just get in and fly. Enjoy it. Live it...love it... DO IT or forever wish you had.


This is my standard that I am requesting my sweet Seeking Truth to hold me to.


You want to hear a miracle? See God work? My own divorce laywer called me this morning, and agreed with me that

my wife was a wonderful person and he was GLAD to see us working it out.


At risk of being foolish, I decided to become transparent. I wanted to share my experiences of the past few weeks

with each one on this board. Folks, the Word of God works. When rightly divided it WORKS as advertised. I bless

the Davissons for their commitment to Christ and this ministry. This free man stands here with a searchlight

BEGGING you to listen, I BEG you to pay attention and most of all...


I beg you to let yourself die. Do it...it is the freest you will ever be.



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SeekingTruth said I should post here.


I am Emory...I hear and obey. I have been assimilated. Big grins to my precious SeekingTruth... ::clap


20 Kisses / 20 Hugs / 20 Smiles / 50 validations / 100 touches / 3 Metric Tons of Apologies (still not enough)

(and yes SeekingTruth is laughing over my shoulder). :rotfl:


SeekingTruth, truly I have sought the world for beauty, and have found it next to my own heart in you... :lol:


NOTE...to any fellas still fighting on this board. Just let go, jump in and let the water of the

washing of the Word take you. Just die. Stop justifying, stop fighting, stop whining like I did, stop screaming,

yelling and making your bride wish she she were anywhere else but near you like I did. It is worth every single

minute of it. Let your wife unburden herself to you; trust me your testosterone levels WILL increase.


Validate the gorgeous woman you destroyed. Kiss her often and mean it.


My story: I called my beauty from work who asked me so nicely "Please scrub the toilet in

the front bathroom when you get home." Finally, I am the "Oxytocin Booster Man!" I rushed past my bride when

I got home from work and immediately scrubbed the toilet with bleach she lovingly provided. She chided me playfully

for not stopping to kiss her but going immediately from front door to front bathroom. I smiled and claimed "I am

just doing what I am told." And she was giggling, and I was giggling.


Fellas if the Lord can use scrubbing the facility as a fun laughing happy moment I suggest you become a servant

and learn how to make YOUR wives laugh. I took out the trash when she asked. So simple, so easy, so effortless

and a month ago I would have SCREAMED like a freaked out TODDLER at her for asking me this. Now, I do it with

pleasure knowing it not only get me POINTS but it is "loving my wife like Christ loved the Church."


I hear on the calls guys claiming "Oh its too hard." That is a load. If my monster crazy moron freaked out toddler

self can do it you can too. Our Lord is NO respecter of persons. What He will do for one He will do for ALL.


So you say you can't do this without screwing it up? I say that is an excuse. Why? Go to an airfield sometime

and watch flight training for students in one of the Cessna 152s; pay particular attention to the landings. The landings have

to be right every time or both pilot and instructor are killed. You may land hard, you may land soft, you may even

blow a tire or crab sideways on final approach but you WILL land the aircraft, no question about it.


Trained pilots land every time safely. They make NO serious mistakes.


You have training, intensives, - study materials and the website.


You have Air Traffic Control, - the calls, the boards.


You have flight instructors, - Joel and Kathy etc.


You have the One who hung the moon and stars, and created the Firmament and physics for YOU to enjoy flying with HER.


Stop whining about the height, just get in and fly. Enjoy it. Live it...love it... DO IT or forever wish you had.


This is my standard that I am requesting my sweet Seeking Truth to hold me to.


You want to hear a miracle? See God work? My own divorce laywer called me this morning, and agreed with me that

my wife was a wonderful person and he was GLAD to see us working it out.


At risk of being foolish, I decided to become transparent. I wanted to share my experiences of the past few weeks

with each one on this board. Folks, the Word of God works. When rightly divided it WORKS as advertised. I bless

the Davissons for their commitment to Christ and this ministry. This free man stands here with a searchlight

BEGGING you to listen, I BEG you to pay attention and most of all...


I beg you to let yourself die. Do it...it is the freest you will ever be.




AMEN and AMEN....Man that is strong and I agree with every word. When these guys mention "I or I'm or me or mine" 27 times in a single post, let it go. It's not about you it's about her. Hopefully it will break through to these guys and just DIE>


I am...

Thankful For Gracey

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Congratulations Emory into a life of love. Enter thee into your happy place to weather the storms of life together. Your life with you wife should be shelter against what the enemy throws at you from outside the marriage. Any strife should not come from within (a house divided against itself falls). I am blessed by your story and happy to witness another man and marriage turning the corner. God Bless your embrace of His Word (finally illuminated rightly by J&K)!

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Someone posted your lead in post on my H's thread. I am sitting here crying. We have been with the ministry 3 years, including an intensive nearly 3 years ago and we are still on first stage baby food. He says he wants to "do it" he just does not know what to do; he is analytical and wants the ABC's and 123's of things to do. You seem to get it on your own. Your wife is truly blessed, beyond words. If you have any great words of wisdom, I, for one, would love to hear them. Thank you for sharing.





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Someone posted your lead in post on my H's thread. I am sitting here crying. We have been with the ministry 3 years, including an intensive nearly 3 years ago and we are still on first stage baby food. He says he wants to "do it" he just does not know what to do; he is analytical and wants the ABC's and 123's of things to do. You seem to get it on your own. Your wife is truly blessed, beyond words. If you have any great words of wisdom, I, for one, would love to hear them. Thank you for sharing.






Dearest Tigger

I am no great shakes. I do however have the most understanding PERFECT wife who ever lived. When I look back on how I have treated her, stomped on her out of my own arrestedness (ignorance etc.) I shudder. Or as the Bible says "I abhor myself and I repent now in dust and ashes."


On the way home I kept praying on what to reply, or say that might help someone. So here it is.


Joel Davisson was a beggar, I am a beggar. Joel gave me some bread he got and showed me how to get more. Only the way to get more requires me to get off of my duff and change. I will now share a brief bit of my intensive testimony:


During the intensive, Joel and Kathy, my wife and the other attendees will tell you I was a continual thundercloud. I was so bad apparently that everyone in the class was afraid for me to even drive my wife HOME on the last day I was so scary. I pondered that, and I also realize that God in his mercy and wisdom showed me that I only began really changing when I let down my guard and let go of the anger I was nursing. I had to actually leave the hotel grounds with SeekingTruth and go to a nearby restaurant before things started changing. In other words, to swim I first had to dive headlong into the water. I was scared, apprehensive, afraid. You name it.


I wanted to hate the Davissons. I am an engineer and I am an EXPERT nit picker. I tried and tried to find some hole, some grounds to write them off as a quack, a cult, charlatans or fly by night money grabbers. But I could not. I could not find any fault with their teachings, so just like C. S. Lewis, who could not disprove Christianity, I believed.


Now I love them desperately and praise God in heaven that they cared when no one else would or could. And my lovely SEEKING TRUTH cared enough to compel me to go where there was bread, while I was kicking, crying, screaming and yelling like a toddler who did not want to get a penicillin shot.


Back to the present...


Now things are not rosy. We had a minor setback last night. I answered SeekingTruth too quickly and sharply both for her liking and mine over something trivial. She was SO SWEET about it but I went to her and begged forgiveness IMMEDIATELY. I also made her PROMISE she'd never let me go back to what I was, and I PROMISED I would do my best not to go there either. She was so tender, so kind and so understanding and even tried to "apologize for upsetting me." At that point I reminded her its ok to correct the toddler and I repeated several times that she had nothing to apologize for.


Seeing myself do something like that TERRIFIED ME. I never want to go back to Egypt ever again. I LOVE THE NEW ME AND THE NEW HER! I AM NOT BRINGING DEATH TO MY PRECIOUS ANGEL ANYMORE!!! For goodness' sakes fellas, I know deep down ALL of us WANT to be a good guy. Most of us just didn't know how to make that happen. Then we learned from Joel that we have been little "whiny babies." C'mon, if we acted like we do at home in a board meeting we'd get tossed out the door by security and told to never come back.


We hold our tounges at church, in public, but at home we admonish our wife, telling her "don't tell anyone our business." That is abuse. Do you know what else constitutes abuse? Let me tell you from firsthand experience.






Failing to DIE TO SELF


Stomping Off

Doing _____ sin as a rebellious excuse (yes porn, fishing boats, video games, beer with the fellas, excluding your wife are all abuse).

Insert 'ism here.


My point you say? You have it easy Emory. No sir I don't. I have to suck it up just like the rest of you bozos. Want to know what type

of night I have had? Well guess what? Not only do I have to work late, but I go to the gym for the first time in weeks since I am really

trying to lose weight. Anyway, my chiropractor (who I really did not want to see but my wife and God forced the issue) told me I have a

curved spine. I hurt, I mean fellas I REALLY hurt. I work on computers as a technical writer, programmer and design engineer and my side

hurts every time I sit down. I get home late (my wife knows and approves of course) but somewhere between the last time I speak with her and

the time I get home (about an hour ago) my wife becomes extremely irritable and snappy.


I am now faced with a test: Do I revert to Moron Me and risk my marriage? She is hitting those buttons, man is she ever hitting those buttons

again. She knows (or in my own little toddler emotions I am thinking she knows) exactly what she is doing to "make me mad." Oh no, God is

now going to topple off his throne! Emory is becoming irritable! Oh no not that.


My other choice: Practice what I learned at intensive. Love Seeking Truth, she is on phone trying to work a tech problem (she is smart to boot)

with her dad on remote PC control and I am kindly informed that she is irritated and I am basically interrupting her. So I go to the refrigerator

while insisting to her I AM NOT MAD, AND I LOVE HER and I just want her to be happy, and she GETS SNAPPY AGAIN. I find myself drinking a bit of

juice from the fridge calmly, while she fusses. I just smile and tell her I love her (God is this really me or what???) and now? I got her off

the laptop and gave her the BIG PC. See, she is staying with me in my apartment 8 hrs away from her files, so she has to get those. She has had

an upset stomach all day for no reason and she is thinking it is monthly time. Also she woke up with nightmares. WE texted and talked all day

but when I get home MELTDOWN THREATENS. But, alas the crisis is averted. And I am happily typing on the laptop while she uses MY BIG SUPER PC.


still lets me know it hurts.


This is reality folks. I could have started a war so easily when I came in. But this time I chose life, dear God I praise You for allowing and

helping me do that sir.


In closing, this IS THE WAY, WALK IN IT. It IS the right way. And if we fellas keep fighting it, we rob ourselves first, then our wives but

ultimately we ROB GOD of the pleasure of blessing us. The Word either works FOR or AGAINST us. BUT ultimately we MUST choose. Choose life.

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To Everyone who posted kind words to me. Thanks a million. I was very apprehensive to get on the boards to start with. I don't arbitrarily post anything as I believe the Internet makes it too easy just to spout opinions with little or no thought. Plus I was a bit intimidated by all this to start with. But, I had to honor my Seeking Truth who kindly informed me that participating on the boards is also part of healing. Blessings and prayers to each of you.

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Hi Son-Worshiper!


I am so glad Emory has been helpful! Isn't that the coolest God thing! :D




Giving Hope, oh how neat that your Jeff is an air traffic control! I liked Emory's thoughts on that, so I am tickled that it also applied like that for others. ;)




Oh Tigger! ((((((((Tigger)))))))) {That is a hug!}


I will be praying for you!!! I would be happy to help you, if there is any way I can. I am well pleased with Emory's progress. Even so, I know we still have lots to work on. I constantly pray that I hold him to the fire in the right ways, and I remind myself to respond as I should even when I don't feel like it either.


At the Intensive Joel and Kathy reminded us that there is some (or a lot) of "Joel" in every man, and some (or maybe a lot) of "Kathy" in every woman. Emory says I have a lot of things like Kathy! Only he says they are, as they should be, better for him because it is me and him of course.


Maybe you can tell your H. that like Salvation, like knowing God is there though you can't see him in a physical form, this lifestyle

is one that is a choice and not one that you can see lined out in ABCD...! I also have to encourage you some too, as you are my sister in Christ and a new friend! :D Emory did not get this all on his own, though he has heard and recived the word! ::clap I don't want you to feel like you are less, or anything silly like that! I have prayed and sought God, and I have had a super support of a mature Chrsitlike man, my Dad.


Yes, I am blessed, but you are going to be too!

With Love,


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I, for one, am GLAD you are posting... your posts are a blessing to many.




What made you decide you even NEEDED the bread? Or want the bread?



I will keep it brief. To answer your question I will give some bullet points:


I always knew what I was doing to my wife was wrong, but I never knew how to stop.

The Word of God seemed to work in everyone's life BUT mine and I hated that.

I would shriek, scream, curse and to top it off I had horrendous sin in my life; and I knew that did not become a Christian,

but once again I did not know what to do.

My wife finally filed for divorce and I had a calm acceptance.

I blamed everything on her and BELIEVED THAT GOD WAS ON MY SIDE.

My wife compelled, begged me to go to the intensive and I KNEW THAT I KNEW I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO.


I went and saw results in Joel and Kathy's life. You cannot argue with results. I am an engineer and

am very results oriented.


That is all for now...I have to get on the call.



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Even MORE briefly....


My wife finally filed for divorce and I had a calm acceptance.


Would you say it is true? A divorce needed to be filed for you to have need or WANT of the bread you speak of?


Nemo and I are both engineers as well! YOu are among like minded folk!

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Even MORE briefly....




Would you say it is true? A divorce needed to be filed for you to have need or WANT of the bread you speak of?


Nemo and I are both engineers as well! YOu are among like minded folk!


Would I say the divorce played a part. Probably, but the main thing that compelled me was the Holy Spirit convincing me to go

to the intensive with my wife. I knew that I knew I had to go. If I had not been convinced of the fact that the Holy Spirit was leading

me to go to Palm Coast FL, she and I would still be separated and not speaking and I would still be going to court fighting a bitter divorce battle.

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Hello Emory

Perhaps you were unaware that your wife has been writing praises about you on her thread.


Heard you on the phone call tonight -- concerning a husband not having "to fix" his wife's problem, he needs to LISTEN to her heart. Please apologize with the LOVER apology to help bring healing to your wife's heart and to be a Christian husband to her.


What I heard was yelling and cussing and your venting of feelings plus a hang-up -- these are types of things that are hurtful to your wife and a bit disrespectful to those who are trying to help you become a Christlike husband. Do you think that your attitude and words tonight were Christlike?


God is FOR you, Emory. He LOVES you, Emory, with an everlasting love. He desires for you to have an outrageously happy marriage -- and you are on your way to it -- with this bump in the road. Hopefully you can get on the Men's Calls this week -- they will help you be able to vent and tell your feelings. If you want to yell, that or into your own pillow or while you are alone in your vehicle are the places to do it.


AT some point I would highly encourage you to go through the questionaire at:


to read it and answer it honestly --


We are FOR you in this ministry -- and will keep exhorting you to DO GOOD to your bride, to be active in the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control -- all of them.


You are blessed to have such a great helpmeet -- be glad that she is in your life and willing to speak up. There are many men on this forum who would give everything to be able to have a loving wife willing to speak to them.




June of

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what your bride recently posted:

Posted 11 September 2010 - 01:15 AM

Hi All,


I just wanted to say, on the forum, a big Thank you to Emory!!! :D

He brought me home a dozen roses night before last! WOW! :)

It was a total surprise, and a sacrifice in our budget, but he wanted to, so he did. ;)


Thank you Emory! They are special because you brought them for me.

Yes, an oxytocin boost for sure.



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Just wondering how you're doing on this journey to becoming a Christlike husband for your wife? Know this is a tough time for all of you; with caring for your mother; but want to encourage you to really step up here; and bless and love your wife 24/7; she needs to know and feel your love and support; please find ways to feed life and love into her heart and soul during this stressful time!

I want to encourage you to utilize all the support this ministry offers; keep reading and posting here on the forum; listen in to as many calls as possible during the week for encouragement and support; speak up if you have a question or need help with something; keep reading in the books; do the homework; etc.

This will help lessen the tremendous stress your wife is going through; if she sees you really being consistent in doing this; will be praying that you'll keep learning and growing into becoming the Christlike husband God intended you to be!

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hey Emory,

We hope to hear updates from you on this thread. A lot has happened recently (with your parents and all) which has affected your marriage -- perhaps hitting another "bump"? So, we'd love to be of help to you on this forum.



Be sure to use your most gentle voice possible when talking with your bride. This will help you both.



Please go back and read this thread from the top -- if you will let you speak to you and remind you, WOW! already a great step in getting over whatever bump is in place now.


Blessings and prayers,

June of

Edited by Ward & June
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You posted this in August, 2010. Haven't seen much of you here on the forum; or on the conference calls lately; what's changed since August?

Maybe this will refresh your memory of what you've promised to do for your beautiful wife!

You posted:






"SeekingTruth said I should post here.


I am Emory...I hear and obey. I have been assimilated. Big grins to my precious SeekingTruth...


20 Kisses / 20 Hugs / 20 Smiles / 50 validations / 100 touches / 3 Metric Tons of Apologies (still not enough)

(and yes SeekingTruth is laughing over my shoulder).


SeekingTruth, truly I have sought the world for beauty, and have found it next to my own heart in you...


NOTE...to any fellas still fighting on this board. Just let go, jump in and let the water of the

washing of the Word take you. Just die. Stop justifying, stop fighting, stop whining like I did, stop screaming,

yelling and making your bride wish she she were anywhere else but near you like I did. It is worth every single

minute of it. Let your wife unburden herself to you; trust me your testosterone levels WILL increase.


Validate the gorgeous woman you destroyed. Kiss her often and mean it.


My story: I called my beauty from work who asked me so nicely "Please scrub the toilet in

the front bathroom when you get home." Finally, I am the "Oxytocin Booster Man!" I rushed past my bride when

I got home from work and immediately scrubbed the toilet with bleach she lovingly provided. She chided me playfully

for not stopping to kiss her but going immediately from front door to front bathroom. I smiled and claimed "I am

just doing what I am told." And she was giggling, and I was giggling.


Fellas if the Lord can use scrubbing the facility as a fun laughing happy moment I suggest you become a servant

and learn how to make YOUR wives laugh. I took out the trash when she asked. So simple, so easy, so effortless

and a month ago I would have SCREAMED like a freaked out TODDLER at her for asking me this. Now, I do it with

pleasure knowing it not only get me POINTS but it is "loving my wife like Christ loved the Church."


I hear on the calls guys claiming "Oh its too hard." That is a load. If my monster crazy moron freaked out toddler

self can do it you can too. Our Lord is NO respecter of persons. What He will do for one He will do for ALL.


So you say you can't do this without screwing it up? I say that is an excuse. Why? Go to an airfield sometime

and watch flight training for students in one of the Cessna 152s; pay particular attention to the landings. The landings have

to be right every time or both pilot and instructor are killed. You may land hard, you may land soft, you may even

blow a tire or crab sideways on final approach but you WILL land the aircraft, no question about it.


Trained pilots land every time safely. They make NO serious mistakes.


You have training, intensives, - study materials and the website.


You have Air Traffic Control, - the calls, the boards.


You have flight instructors, - Joel and Kathy etc.


You have the One who hung the moon and stars, and created the Firmament and physics for YOU to enjoy flying with HER.


Stop whining about the height, just get in and fly. Enjoy it. Live it...love it... DO IT or forever wish you had.


This is my standard that I am requesting my sweet Seeking Truth to hold me to.


You want to hear a miracle? See God work? My own divorce laywer called me this morning, and agreed with me that

my wife was a wonderful person and he was GLAD to see us working it out.


At risk of being foolish, I decided to become transparent. I wanted to share my experiences of the past few weeks

with each one on this board. Folks, the Word of God works. When rightly divided it WORKS as advertised. I bless

the Davissons for their commitment to Christ and this ministry. This free man stands here with a searchlight

BEGGING you to listen, I BEG you to pay attention and most of all...


I beg you to let yourself die. Do it...it is the freest you will ever be.


Emory "



Hope this helps turn you around from wherever you're choosing to walk other than walking the path of becoming a Christlike man; and helps you resolve to be 100% committed to following God's perfect plan for marriages! Come on here, your wife needs you to do this; but more importantly, YOU need to do this for YOU! God never meant for husbands to stay stuck in childish, abusive patterns of behavior; He wants only the best things in marriages; please start listening to your wife's heart here; and just drop your pride, selfish feelings of entitlement; and just do whatever it takes to humbly learn how to live as a Christlike man in all your thoughts, actions, words, and behavior EVERY minute of every day; 24/7; 365 days a year!!!

I hope that you'll make the choice to turn around here and do this; before your precious wife is hurt and wounded more!

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Where are you?? Have you given up already to learn how to finally become a Christlike man; and work with your wife toward restoring your marriage? Hope to see you come back soon and get plugged in to all the help available here; your wife is worth whatever effort or amount of time it takes to bring healing to her heart from all the pain and wounding you've caused her by abusing her!

There's conference calls now 6 nights a week, at 9pm Eastern time; would encourage you to listen in, and speak up and let the moderators know your situation; so they can help you get back on track here!

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